Monday, December 13, 2010


Have you ever eaten pomegranate juice? It's great! But if you've ever had to open one....don't. Or use water. My roommate is from Las Vegas, and they have a pomegranate tree, so she brought 30 of the things home a month ago. Morgan and I have had fun with them.

One tip to open pomegranates: open them underwater. They squirt, but the seeds sink in water, so it's really easy to separate them from the pith.

So one night at like 10, I decided I wanted to juice several of them for use in a smoothie...bad idea. I spent two hours juicing three of them, and we still didn't have anything to strain them with, can imagine what may or may not have happened. We ended up getting most of the juice out, but it took a long time. And then, when we were making the smoothie, I hit the bowl and it splattered all over the kitchen! We were cleaning up pomegranate juice from the blinds across the kitchen! Luckily, only Morgan's shoes and pants got his, and the Oxi-clean took it out. After that, we just blended a few more pomegranates up in the smoothie and called it good. It was tasty.

So lessons learned: get a juicer for pomegranate juice, or better yet, go out and buy a bottle of pomegranate juice! Don't put the juice in a bowl that tips over easily. Keep a bottle of Oxi-clean close at hand when using it. And think before you do anything in the kitchen (I still don't really do that...)

Join me next time for more adventures in the kitchen!

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